LASS Exam module Features

The Learning And Assessment Software is a online learning tool for students,institutions and organizations which combines the author engine, content engine, assessment and learning engine in to one to create centralized question database and lessons which can be populated and edited by various authors. Assessment and learning engine can be used by candiates to login and take exams, or to import the lessons and learn. Paper Pen Exam Engine can be used by candidates to take offline exams and submit the answersheets for correction by examiner. LAAS also includes collab engine which uses Jitsi Collab Software to allow administrators to start a video conference meeting with all the students.

Exam Engine module allows candidates to import the exams provided by the author and then take the exams. Please view the detailed help file for Exam Engine Module to know each feature in detail.

1. Test Module Operations : LAAS Software-Exam Engine allows user to add any number of Test Modules (Database created using LAAS Software-Author Module). Each Test Module is treated as a separate exam and can be used independently.

  • Adding Test Module (Local) : This section will provide a procedure to add a Test Module created using LAAS Software-Author in to Exam Engine.
  • Add Test Module (URL) : This section will provide a procedure to add Library Test Modules from a Url to Exam Engine.
  • Updating Test Module : This option allows user to update a Test Module in Exam Engine.
  • Removing Test Module : This option allows user to remove a Test Module in Exam Engine.

2. Taking a Test : LAAS Software-Exam Engine allows candidates to take exam in different modes, save results to view later and review questions.

  1. Start a Test :This section shows how to start taking an test using LAAS Exam Engine.
  2. Candidate Login : LAAS Software-Exam Engine allows candidate to take exam using a username, results for each username can be viewed independently.
  3. Modes : LAAS Software-Exam Engine allows candidate to use the Test Module in two modes

Exam Mode : Simulates actual exam environment in which candidate needs to answer exam created by instructor in a given time without any help from flash cards.

Learn Mode : Provides interactive learning environment where candidate can go through each question and view flash cards and correct answers for each question.

4. Exam Screen : This section will describe how exactly the questions will be presented to candidate and the options available to help him take exam.

5. Question Types Supported : This section will show how various supported question types are displayed to candidate.

6. Grade Screen : This section will describe how the performance of the candidate will be shown at end of the exam.

7. Save Results and Review Question : At the end of each exam candidate is given an option to save the results, which can be reviewed later.

8. View Previous Results : This option allows candidates to view their previously saved results.

9. Customize Questions : This feature allows instructor to select specific categories (topics) for a exam. All the questions in the exam will appear only from selected categories.

10. Exam Configuration : This feature allows instructor to set configuration options (number of questions per exam, exam time, pass percentage etc), allowed exam modes (learn, exam), permitted buttons (review, pause timer, bookmarking etc)

11. Exam Properties : This feature allows instructor to set configuration options (number of questions per exam, exam time, pass percentage etc), allowed exam modes (learn, exam), permitted buttons (review, pause timer, bookmarking etc)

3. Customize LAAS Exam Engine : LAAS Software-Exam Engine allows to change the logos displayed while taking the exams. This can be used by institues for displaying their own logo.

  • Customize Logo : This feature allows to add a custom logo in LAAS Exam Engine.
  • Reset Logo : This feature allows to reset to default logo in LAAS Exam Engine.

Download a free trial version of the software from the product home page, Learning and Assessment Software.

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